Business Tips
Canada Painting Contractor Business Coach Marketing Sales Estimating Operations
For painting contractors in Canada looking for a business coach – or simply need marketing, sales, estimating, or operations systems that work for a painting company, pickings can be S-L-I-M… Neil in Canada talks about all the “marketing programs” he tried in the past that did not work. Maybe you know the feeling. As an APPC…
Read MoreAustralia Painting Contractor Business Coach for Marketing Sales Estimating Operations
For Australian painting contractors who need a business coach in marketing, sales, or operations, listen to Glen’s story of how he is escaping Australia’s low-margin new-construction rat race into the profitable residential repaint market. When it comes to increasing repaint sales, profits, and closing rates, the underlying fundamentals do not change in English-speaking countries… Canada, Ireland, or…
Read MoreBranding a Painting Business without Going Broke
Almost every owner has heard it said that branding your painting company is important. You hear the subject of branding bantered about at conferences. You read about it in publications. And talking heads everywhere convince you that it’s really important. That’s great, but what the hell is branding anyway? Really… Here’s what most people think branding…
Read MoreStop Wasting Time “Running” Painting Equipment!
If you want to manage your painting business more effectively, you must use simple paperwork and procedures to eliminate common, recurring problems. Remember: If a “problem” happens week after week – it’s not a problem. It’s a CHOICE! Choose to build a better company starting with this simple operational tip… Pai For Those Who Would…
Read MoreShawn Inspires Painters Who Want a Better Life But Don’t Know Where to Start
Why do you do what you do Brandon? Why painting? I’ll tell you why: Shawn is why… This amazing man, Shawn, sums up perfectly why I get out of the bed every morning and work so hard to change businesses and lives. He’s an inspiration to anyone who wants to begin the journey to business…
Read MoreMarketing Painting Services & How Eric Gets Instant ROI
Marketing painting services can be a challenge. Eric’s cracked the code! “Hey. My name’s Eric with Final Touch Painting. It’s great to be working with Brandon Lewis and the Academy for Professional Painting Contractors and his group. I was a little hesitant honestly when I read some of his things on the internet and got…
Read MoreBusiness Planning for Painting Contractors, Companies, & Businesses
Creating a business plan for your painting business can be a heck of a challenge… especially if you’re in the middle of the hectic repaint season. So often, painters let “busyness” cover up major problems in their painting company. Such as… Processing Tons of Work without Making Significant Profits Keeping Prices Too Low for Too…
Read MoreIncreasing Sales and Profits In Your Painting Business
My partner and I spent years looking for ways that we could grow our business and make it more profitable. We’d learned about estimating. We’d learned about bookkeeping. We’d learned about operations. We were still just where we were. We never could figure out how do you find these people that need to get something…
Read MoreRunning a Successful Painting Business According to Heather
Running a successful painting business doesn’t have to be a chore. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel… and you don’t have to go it alone. Listen to what Heather has to say… What Heather Had to Say About Her APPC Experience: “I’m Heather Hall and we have been members of the APPC for a…
Read MoreHow Keith Doubled His Closing Rates, Ramped Up Crews, & Bid $124,000 in NEW Painting Work
My name’s Keith Zafren. I’m owner of My Three Sons Professional Painting Services and I’ve been a part of the Academy for Professional Painting Contractors for almost two years. I’m a house painting contractor in Lexington, KY. Being a part of APPC has transformed my sales process. Before joining, I really didn’t have a sales…
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