New Decade. Same Painting Grind?

Even if you aren’t one of those “New Year’s Resolution People,” the beginning of a new decade must have you asking a few questions… #1 – How will I increase my income this year (or will it be the same or worse than this year?) #2 – What will it take to make my business…

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The Problem with Masculinity: There Isn’t Enough of It

Unless you’ve been under a rock, you’ve watched or heard about Gillette’s recent controversial video. It depicts a wide variety of shoddy behavior and makes the wholesale assertion that men are at worst the source of it – at best complicit in letting it happen while creating a culture that encourages it. If you are…

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Will you pass on your painting business to your son?

Please don’t find this subject-line offensive. I don’t write the mail, I just deliver it. As best I can determine in auditing my subscriber lists name-by-name, ownership in independent painting businesses skews 97% male. I’m not giving an opinion on it, simply stating the observable reality. It’s no surprise that you find a lot of father-son…

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