Coaching for Painting Contractors

Coaching for Painting Contractors

Coaching for Painting Contractors

Coaching for Painting Contractors

An open letter to current APPC members…

By now, you’ve probably received an invitation in the mail from me about my One-on-One Platinum Group. This is an advanced coaching group for painting contractors within the APPC.

As I explained in my letter, this is a small, exclusive group of owners that I work with one-on-one to help grow their businesses faster and with greater certainty.

Granted, we use the same fundamental, unchanging principles I’ve shared with you that lead to the remarkable growth so many of our members report(these NEVER change.)

However, my Platinum Group is very different in these four ways…

1. Greater Accountability – It is my sincere hope that you’re using your mentoring calls and online training opportunities to get each and every question answered in your business. During these calls, I can direct and guide you on ANY issue you may face.

However, in my Platinum Group, I meet with owners on a bi-weekly basis to review customized 30-Day Next Action Plans. If projects aren’t executed, I’m there to motivate progress in a firm yet supportive fashion. Occasionally, I must be frank with an owner to help him or her break through to the next level.

2. Speed of Implementation – We have members in my Platinum Group who have been “meaning to” implement certain strategies for YEARS, but for some reason these initiatives were always buried under a pile of “low-pay busy-work” and deferred until some undetermined time in the future.

Yet, once we put these initiatives in the planning framework, they miraculously and quickly become Düğün organizasyon realities. Important, money-making and time-saving systems, once “kicked-down-the-road” indefinitely, are now executed and implemented with haste (and often discovered to be much easier than expected.)

3. Situational Flexibility & Niche Strategies – There are a host of issues such as time-management, personnel management, Düğün fotoğrafçısı mindset, and other advanced strategies that I simply cannot cover in-depth in the Core5 Strategies™ or the Marketing Mastery Calendar™.

Usually, because they are what I refer to as situationally specific. While some owners desperately need help in these narrowly focused, niched areas, others would find them a total distraction from the core of what’s important.

There are differences between personalities, personal agendas, and SIZE (the needs Tanıtım film of a $1.5 MM business are different from a $250K business in some respects, though not as many as you might expect.) In my One-on-One Platinum Group, I can make greater allowances for these.

4. A Sense of Certainty – Running a painting business can be a lonely and uncertain ordeal. Your spouse tires of hearing about it. Your workers and your staff, in many cases, CAN’T  and shouldn’t hear about everything.

And far too often, your peers are frankly offering advice without the field-tested knowledge or professional background necessary to make you feel as if you’re CERTAIN that you’re on the right track.

In my One-on-One Platinum Group, you will be speaking with an expert who has seen the good, the bad, and the ugly – someone who will be straight-forward with you and offer candid feedback. But, I’ll also be there to celebrate your victories with you and often there are few who can appreciate what you do as an owner (I certainly DO.)

This Coaching Program is NOT a Good Fit for Everyone

Many of our APPC members need this mentoring program desperately (I see and hear the evaporating potential daily.) Yet for others, it would be too much, too soon, and too advanced if the Core 5 Systems™ have not been implemented to some degree.

If you need help getting “unstuck” or following-through on the things you KNOW you OUGHT to be doing, but can’t seem to get them executed, this MIGHT be the perfect opportunity for you!

My Promise to You

 If you feel like this program may be a good fit for you, please reply to this email or call my office directly. I’m working on deadlines all day today, so it’s likley you’ll need to leave a message at 423-800-0520. I’ll get back with you.

I am limiting the slots to FIVE (5) and no more because I personally invest one-on-one time and systematically track the progress of all of my Platinum Members to a greater degree.

I have also set a deadline of February 11th for the application process because of extensive travel in this month.

2016 is already shaping up be a year of partnerships, conferences, travel and opportunity.

There are only so many hours in the day and I do not feel as if I could handle more than five additional members.

There is a cost to this program above and beyond your current APPC membership, as I’m certain you’re aware. If you set up a time to speak with me, I promise I will do two things:

1 – To Be 100% Honest About Your Fitness for This Program (I will not accept any members who I feel are not ready personally or financially.)

2 – To HELP YOU with Whatever It Is You’re Trying to Achieve On Our Call, Regardless of Outcome (If we’re on the phone together, I don’t want to waste my time or yours. Therefore, if you’re struggling or striving, I want to be there to help – because I truly enjoy it!)

I am sure there are some details I have left out here that were in the invitation I sent you. Please read it again and let me know your thoughts.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Your Friend in Painting Profits,

Brandon Lewis, MBA
Coach, Consultant, Mentor for Painting Contractors

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Hear What Other Members are Saying:

Screen Shot 2020-01-31 at 4.06.20 PM
Jim and Lorraine

“Our first campaign reached $60,041.98! That's a huge percentage of our annual sales! You don't pick the peach orchard just one time. Different peaches ripen every day. Thanks for encouraging us to keep after it!”

Screen Shot 2020-01-31 at 4.09.01 PM

“15 requests for quotes and closed and/or completed $23,000 of work and I still have a few more to do. Conservatively this campaign will net $25,000 in found money in the first 45 days! Thanks Brandon!”

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“This year has been the biggest year of growth for us. We're double where we were last year. I realized the real money in this business is in the marketing of the services - not the doing of the services.”

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Discover the key to unlocking the hidden income potential in your painting business.