Free Business Growth Resources to Take Your Painting Company to the Next Level of Success!

Online Marketing Tips for Painting Contractors

Many painting companies struggle to attract sustainable customers and cultivate long-term business relationships. This comes as a result of not attending to marketing strategies and poor business plans. Rather than focusing on developing an effective marketing plan, most painting contractors focus their energy on the painting itself. Outlined below are some simple and easy-to-implement online ...

How to Generate More Reviews for Your Painting Business

Getting reviews for your painting business is essential for a lot of things. Number one, it really does help with SEO. And if you ever need help with that, John, in my office, builds painting contractor websites exclusively. So if yours isn't generating leads, isn't optimized, looks bad, looks dated, isn't functional, whatever it is, ...

How to Follow Up with Sales Leads for Painting Contractors

A successful marketing campaign will be followed by an influx of fresh new leads that will hopefully convert to customers. However, just because your campaign generated a bunch of new leads doesn’t mean they are guaranteed to generate business. The key to turning your leads into sales is developing a strategic follow-up plan. Here are ...

The Top 4 Techniques for Making a Sale as a Painting Contractor

As we approach winter, which is where we are today, it's not important that you just find more work. It's important that you close more work, and it's important that you get your billable rate where it needs to be. People think that the only thing you can do to make winter better is to ...

The Most Essential Business Tools For Every Painting Contractor

I want to share something with you that I've never shared before. It seems trivial and for many of you, you may think, "Well, that's kind of remedial," but I'm here to tell you that it isn't. You would think there would be some sort of very complicated approach that turns a painting business around. ...

Tips for Responding to Negative Reviews for Paint Jobs

Online reviews are essential to the success of a painting company. In fact, 93 percent of consumers attribute online reviews as a primary factor in their purchasing decisions. To maintain a positive online presence, it is important for businesses to respond to both positive and negative reviews. However, there is a right and wrong way ...

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Hear What Other Members are Saying:

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"I produced $232,000 or 3,000 hours in booked labor in about 45 days. Client really, really enjoyed it. They thought it was clever, interesting, and loved being considered a V.I.P. I've never had a result this amazing and we've done our share of marketing."

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"I turned $483.00 into an extra $34,065.00 within 45-days using the Customer Reactivation Campaign."

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"I really do enjoy the prospect of engaging more with my customers. What I realized is that there are plenty of names on my list that I don't really remember or know, so this process is really helping me to 'purify my list.' Thank you for doing such a great job with these and helping me get moving on communication with my company's greatest asset."

5 keys that will open the door to guaranteed success in painting.

If you are struggling with sales, marketing, hiring or management, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Use these field-tested strategies to improve essential business systems in your painting company.
