Free Business Growth Resources to Take Your Painting Company to the Next Level of Success!

What Are the Most Effective Ways to Build Referrals for Painting Contractors

How are you currently building referrals and repeat business for your painting company? Often, I'll hear painting contractors tell me that word of mouth is their best form of advertising, but when I press them on specifically what they do, the answer is usually absolutely nothing. Meaning, word of mouth is something that happens, even ...

Is Subcontracting Right for Your Commercial Painting Company?

Are subcontractors right for your commercial painting business? Or if you own a residential painting company and you do some commercial work, are subcontractors right for that type of work in your business? For commercial painting companies who want to extend their capabilities and handle large commercial projects, working with subcontractors can potentially be a ...

How Much Money Does a Painting Contractor Make?

Despite their long hours and physically demanding labor, painting contractors typically earn $15 an hour. Even established painting contractors usually walk away with well under $100,000 a year. Most painters are plagued by poor business decisions that directly affect their income. If you are struggling to break the cycle of ineffective sales, poor marketing choices, ...

How to Get More Paint Jobs When Business Is Slow

What do you do to generate leads and to find business when things are slow? Whether it’s back to school, getting out of school for summer break, some kind of terrible catastrophe, or the winter slow season. What do you do to keep the phone ringing? Understand Organic Demand for Painting Jobs The first ...

How You Can Get Leads for Your Painting Business

Maintaining a steady flow of leads can be a challenge for new business owners. Traditionally, small businesses spend most of their marketing budget buying leads through paid advertising campaigns. Investing in a high-quality website and other marketing channels is imperative to obtaining the valuable leads that help small businesses grow. Sustainable, long-term leads are the ...

How You Can Promote Your Painting Business

Transitioning from a professional painter to a business owner can be a steep learning curve. As a business owner, you’ll quickly learn that the painting itself is just a fraction of what it takes to run a successful painting company. Your profits and personal income are limited by the infrastructure of your business. Without effective ...

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Hear What Other Members are Saying:

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"I produced $232,000 or 3,000 hours in booked labor in about 45 days. Client really, really enjoyed it. They thought it was clever, interesting, and loved being considered a V.I.P. I've never had a result this amazing and we've done our share of marketing."

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"I turned $483.00 into an extra $34,065.00 within 45-days using the Customer Reactivation Campaign."

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"I really do enjoy the prospect of engaging more with my customers. What I realized is that there are plenty of names on my list that I don't really remember or know, so this process is really helping me to 'purify my list.' Thank you for doing such a great job with these and helping me get moving on communication with my company's greatest asset."

5 keys that will open the door to guaranteed success in painting.

If you are struggling with sales, marketing, hiring or management, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Use these field-tested strategies to improve essential business systems in your painting company.
