Free Business Growth Resources to Take Your Painting Company to the Next Level of Success!

Painting Company Business Coach

Are you looking for a coach or consultant for your painting company or business? Is it right for you? Maybe. maybe not... When you first started your painting business, were you excited about how it could transform your life? I was thinking about this very subject when Kristin and I were sitting on the beach ...

Answering Service for Painting Contractors and House Painters

If you run a painting business, you know how important it is to answer the phone live. However, you may not understand how high the call abandonment rate is for voicemail, busy signals, and after hour’s calls... and exactly how much money in can cost your painting business (see graph below audio program): CLICK PLAYER ...

Running a Successful Painting Business Means Being a Serious Student

The secret to running a successful painting business is this: You have to be serious about the "business end" of your painting business - not just "doing a quality job" and "treating customers right." Customer service is the beginning, not the end of the journey... and these owners realize that fact. In every city, there ...

How to Get Painting Contracts – 11 Unspoken Questions You Must Answer or Lose the Job

Assuming that a client trusts you is dangerous – in fact it costs owners untold thousands each and every year. Feeling as if you are entitled to the client’s trust because of your reputation is pure fantasy. Often, as painting contractors, we think that because we arrive in an embroidered shirt and drive a logoed, ...

4 Signs of a Weak Estimating & Sales System

  This morning, I got to speak to an awesome group of Fresh Coat owners in San Antonio, TX about closing rates and profit margins. Right now, I’m sitting in the airport... about to fly to San Diego and speak at the PDCA EXPO... But I wanted to talk with you about closing rates and ...

Marketing a Painting Company for Quick Results

How fast can you market in your painting company? Make no mistake - wealth is attracted to speed. The faster you can identify opportunities and implement them, the more momentum you will build. After doing in-depth business diagnostic reviews with over 350 painting contractors, here's what I've discovered... Most owners fail to meet their potential, ...

Ready to see your profits increase?

Download our FREE Money-Making Checklist and start seeing more business than ever!

Hear What Other Members are Saying:

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"I produced $232,000 or 3,000 hours in booked labor in about 45 days. Client really, really enjoyed it. They thought it was clever, interesting, and loved being considered a V.I.P. I've never had a result this amazing and we've done our share of marketing."

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"I turned $483.00 into an extra $34,065.00 within 45-days using the Customer Reactivation Campaign."

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"I really do enjoy the prospect of engaging more with my customers. What I realized is that there are plenty of names on my list that I don't really remember or know, so this process is really helping me to 'purify my list.' Thank you for doing such a great job with these and helping me get moving on communication with my company's greatest asset."

5 keys that will open the door to guaranteed success in painting.

If you are struggling with sales, marketing, hiring or management, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Use these field-tested strategies to improve essential business systems in your painting company.
