Free Business Growth Resources to Take Your Painting Company to the Next Level of Success!

This “easy button” releases painting profits

I was 14 miles up a dirt road in a primitive camping site situated in the Cohutta Wilderness when everything electronic stopped working in my small, pull-behind camper. No water. No lights. No tunes. My father-in-law, Craig, and my good friend, Ashley, started diagnosing the problem. Now, these are two of the handiest men I ...

Karon & George Cash-In for $58,256 & Revamp Estimating!

Karon carefully measures and takes notes on yet another painting estimate! All owners know that the winter-time slow-down wreaks havoc on cash flow. Imagine having to brave the harsh Canadian winter! Karon and her husband George broke all the rules this winter and kept the cash coming in – laughing at local “conventional painting wisdom.” ...

Ken’s Marketing Lands Him $99,000 in House Painting Bucks

House Painter Marketing Ken Starts His Team on Yet Another Project from His Customer Reactivation Campaign... and He’s Still Mining for More Gold! Ken started his painting business after engineering school because he could not stand the thought of “working behind a desk” for the rest of his life. 43 years later, he is still ...

Joe the House Painter’s Marketing Problems

Let me tell you a story... Last Wednesday afternoon, I spoke with an owner (AKA Joe) from the Northeast who desperately wanted to grow his painting business, but just didn’t think he could find the time. Even though Joe only had six painters in the field, he felt stretched thin and worn to a frazzle! ...

Commercial Painting Bid Lists and Leads

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, painting contractors pull in a mere $40,000 a year. Despite long hours and laborious work, a lack of streamlined business operations leaves many painting contractors struggling to make a liveable income. Although painting income statistics are bleak, many painters have failed to tap into a highly lucrative business: ...

Newsletter Marketing for House Painters

Can I trust you?... When you boil it all down, this is the only question a customer really has for you. Once they can answer "yes" to this magic question, they will happily use your painting services. If this is the case, you must ask two questions: 1. What is trust? 2. How do I build ...

Ready to see your profits increase?

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Hear What Other Members are Saying:

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"I produced $232,000 or 3,000 hours in booked labor in about 45 days. Client really, really enjoyed it. They thought it was clever, interesting, and loved being considered a V.I.P. I've never had a result this amazing and we've done our share of marketing."

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"I turned $483.00 into an extra $34,065.00 within 45-days using the Customer Reactivation Campaign."

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"I really do enjoy the prospect of engaging more with my customers. What I realized is that there are plenty of names on my list that I don't really remember or know, so this process is really helping me to 'purify my list.' Thank you for doing such a great job with these and helping me get moving on communication with my company's greatest asset."

5 keys that will open the door to guaranteed success in painting.

If you are struggling with sales, marketing, hiring or management, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Use these field-tested strategies to improve essential business systems in your painting company.
