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Protected: Protected: Exclusive APPC Member Benefit: Your At Home Monthly Newsletter, September Edition

As an exclusive benefit to APPC Members, we send out a done-for-you newsletter each month so you may stay in contact with your most important target market: past customers! Please find the documents below: Newsletter Marketing Quick Tip Sheet At Home Monthly NewlsetterTemplate for 6 x 9 Envelope September At Home Newsletter Template September Why do we ...

The BIGGEST Mistake in Marketing for Painting Contractors!

Marketing for Painting Contractors Recently, Chris Haught of Blogging Painters was kind enough to post an article I wrote for her entitled The BIGGEST Mistake in Marketing for Painting Contractors! Trust me: It's no exaggeration that over 90% of the painting contractors I initially speak with make this fundamental yet correctable mistake. All it takes to ...

Protected: Exclusive APPC Member Benefit: Your At Home Monthly Newsletter, August Edition

As an exclusive benefit to APPC Members, we send out a done-for-you newsletter each month so you may stay in contact with your most important target market: past customers! Please find the documents below: Newsletter Marketing Quick Tip Sheet At Home Monthly NewlsetterTemplate for 6 x 9 Envelope August At Home Newsletter Template August Why do we ...

What a Road-Side Fireworks Retailer Taught Me About Supply, Demand, and Old Inventory – And Why It’s Critical for Painters

On July 5th, this Fireworks Stand Is Packing Up Unsold, Costly Inventory That Must Be Stored Until Next Year. In the Meantime, the Fireworks are Worthless to the Owner. July 5th is a terrible time to be selling fireworks, but it is a GREAT time to be buying them! On my way back to Tennessee ...

Kyle Goes from Two Painters to SIX & Systematizes Painting Estimate Processes to Increase Conversions, Accuracy

“Owners get in the mindset that ‘this is just painting’, so owners take their businesses for granted and let things slip. I’m amazed at how you can easily be so much better than your competition simply by using a few proven systems,” Kyle told me as we spoke for this month’s edition of the MRPS ...

Nick Goes “Whaling” After Commercial Painting Accounts and Focuses on Recruitment to Meet Demand

Nick in New Hampshire is a rare breed. He is one of the few painting contractors to realize the importance of SIMULTANEOUSLY driving demand for his services through marketing AND expanding capacity through recruitment. More on this later… He has also experienced a 180 degree change in thinking about his painting business in the last ...

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Hear What Other Members are Saying:

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"I produced $232,000 or 3,000 hours in booked labor in about 45 days. Client really, really enjoyed it. They thought it was clever, interesting, and loved being considered a V.I.P. I've never had a result this amazing and we've done our share of marketing."

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"I turned $483.00 into an extra $34,065.00 within 45-days using the Customer Reactivation Campaign."

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"I really do enjoy the prospect of engaging more with my customers. What I realized is that there are plenty of names on my list that I don't really remember or know, so this process is really helping me to 'purify my list.' Thank you for doing such a great job with these and helping me get moving on communication with my company's greatest asset."

5 keys that will open the door to guaranteed success in painting.

If you are struggling with sales, marketing, hiring or management, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Use these field-tested strategies to improve essential business systems in your painting company.
