How to Get Painting Contracts – 11 Unspoken Questions You Must Answer or Lose the Job

Assuming that a client trusts you is dangerous – in fact it costs owners untold thousands each and every year. Feeling as if you are entitled to the client’s trust because of your reputation is pure fantasy.

Often, as painting contractors, we think that because we arrive in an embroidered shirt and drive a logoed, wrapped vehicle that the customers fears have been quelled, desires satisfied, and beliefs transformedthis could not be further from the truth.

In fact, clients have a series of critical, unspoken questions – serious questions – that run through their mind from the moment you arrive until the moment you leave.

Unfortunately, in the hundreds of diagnostic business assessments I conduct every year, it’s rare that I discover a single painting contractors that’s addressing these unspoken concerns at all – much less providing proof to back up their claims.

And, if you think endlessly building rapport through meaningless small-talk and pointing out bowling trophies accomplishes this feat you are living in a land of delusion.

In the video above, I’m offering you a sampling of the unvoiced concerns your clients have.

You may ignore them at your financial peril or decide to address them directly and consistently in your sales presentation. The choice is yours.

Even when you do address these concerns, please know the battle is not won. You must provide a preponderance of proof through third party sources to make sure the client actually believes your claims.

However, that is another topic for another time.

If you feel your sales process may be missing this essential persuasive element and perhaps others, drop me a line. I’d be happy to take a close, unbiased look at your estimating systems and give you the best advice for increasing closing rates and raising profit margins that I can.

It’s free. So, in the end, I suppose you’ll get what you paid for 😉

Click Here to Schedule Your Free Diagnostic Assessment

Committed to your success…

Brandon Lewis, MBA
Founder and Mentor-in-Chief
The Academy for Professional Painting Contractors

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