Newsletter Marketing for House Painters

Newsletter Marketing for House Painters

Can I trust you?…

When you boil it all down, this is the only question a customer really has for you. Once they can answer “yes” to this magic question, they will happily use your painting services.

If this is the case, you must ask two questions:

1. What is trust?

2. How do I build trust with my customers?

I’m going to tell you what I think the formula for trust is. You may think it’s oversimplified, but here goes…

Trust = The Number of Interactions You Have with Someone X The Quality and Consistency of Those Interactions

Think about this… If you are stuck on the side of the road at 3AM because your car broke down and you have zero money and can only make one phone call; who do you call?

Your parents? Kids? Best friend? Spouse? In-laws? Neighbor? Co-worker?It’s probably going to be someone in one of these groups. Why these people? Why not anyone in the phone book?

I’ll tell you why: Because you have interacted with these individuals over and over again and have come to believe that they behave in a certain way with some sort of regularity. You trust them because of these experiences.

Now, let’s talk about your painting customers. Will your relationship with them ever require this level of trust? Of course not! Can you spend the kind of time with customers you would with a dear family member or friend? No!

Here’s the good news… you don’t have to go to that extreme! However, you do have to do SOMETHING to create, build, and maintain that trust. That emotional connection.The only thing that I have found that achieves this objective in a way that owners can actually deliver without a huge hassle is newsletter marketing. Newsletter create…

#1. More Consistent, Reliable Monthly Revenue and Even Out the “Feast and Famine Cycle” Found in Painting

#2. Tons of Referral Traffic from Existing Customers and Potential Prospects

#3. An Emotional Connection Which Leads to Higher Closing Rates and Less Price Sensitivity

#4. Opportunities to Highlight Your Best Customers, Staff, and Projects for All the Word to See

You probably think I’m overstating my case. However, I kindly ask you to “trust me” on this!

If your painting business does not have a monthly mailed newsletter and emailed eNewsletter, you are throwing away the opportunity to create consistency, higher profitability, and stability in your business. Plus, you are virtually inviting your competitors to “steal” your best customers because of pure neglectfulness.

Have questions about creating a newsletter for your painting business? Just call us at 423-800-0520!

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Hear What Other Members are Saying:

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Jim and Lorraine

“Our first campaign reached $60,041.98! That's a huge percentage of our annual sales! You don't pick the peach orchard just one time. Different peaches ripen every day. Thanks for encouraging us to keep after it!”

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“15 requests for quotes and closed and/or completed $23,000 of work and I still have a few more to do. Conservatively this campaign will net $25,000 in found money in the first 45 days! Thanks Brandon!”

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“This year has been the biggest year of growth for us. We're double where we were last year. I realized the real money in this business is in the marketing of the services - not the doing of the services.”

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