Six BIG Reasons Painters Should Market Thier Painting Services “Hard” When They’re Busy


Do you think that marketing is something you should ONLY do when you’re slow, hungry, or desperate? If you do, you’re not alone. It is the prevailing opinion of many painting contractors – mainly the poorer ones.

Let me give you SIX BIG REASONS why you should be marketing even MORE when you’re busy…

#1 – It Eliminates the Feast and Famine Cycle – Painters complain about the up-and-down nature of painting, but painters who consistently market experience higher highs, higher lows, and less distance in between the peaks and valleys.

#2 – You Can’t “Make Up” Lost Revenue – In painting, you either made a lot of money this month or you didn’t. You cannot do “double” the painting work next month to “catch up.” Once the profits are missed, they’re gone forever. Another painter just did YOUR job and cashed YOUR check…

#3 – You Don’t Lose GOOD Painters – If you are constantly “laying off” your best painters, they’ll go somewhere else and you’ll be stuck with the “leftovers.” The best painters work for the contractors who provide consistent, steady work. This a HUGE advantage of marketing when you are busy.

#4 – You Can Charge Higher Prices – When your lead-flow is low, your profit margins will be too. Marketing lets you cherry pick the jobs you want and test out higher and higher profit margins. If you’re phone is barely ringing, you may be too “timid” to push the pricing envelope. This costs thousands per year.

#5 – You Get to Say “No” to Bad Painting Projects– Owners get desperate and take on jobs they shouldn’t when their workers don’t have work. These jobs almost always COST the owner money and are a big hassle. If you have a ton of work stacked up, you can say “no thanks” to jobs that aren’t a good fit.

#6 – Customers Only “Buy” During the “Busy” Seasons – Many painters only market their services in the dead of winter. Boy is this dumb. Do you also build snow men in the summer? As the old saying goes, “You must make hay while the sun shines.”

This means you can’t “fight” market demand. Instead, you must build a business that maximizes the “peak season” opportunities for generating a profit.

So many painters make the costly mistake of thinking about marketing as parachute instead of plane. They only market in “emergency” situations instead of “flying” at top speed to where they want to go.

Marketing your painting business isn’t something you do when you’re broke, busted, stalled, or flat-lined. Marketing is what you do to consistently build wealth, profits, and live the kind of life you want to live.

If you can learn to make this distinction, you can take your business further faster than you ever thought possible!

Brandon Lewis, B.S., M.B.A.
Director of the Marketing Department
The Academy for Professional Painting Contractors
Department: 423-800-0520

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Jim and Lorraine

“Our first campaign reached $60,041.98! That's a huge percentage of our annual sales! You don't pick the peach orchard just one time. Different peaches ripen every day. Thanks for encouraging us to keep after it!”

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“15 requests for quotes and closed and/or completed $23,000 of work and I still have a few more to do. Conservatively this campaign will net $25,000 in found money in the first 45 days! Thanks Brandon!”

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“This year has been the biggest year of growth for us. We're double where we were last year. I realized the real money in this business is in the marketing of the services - not the doing of the services.”

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