Three Painting Contractors Who Are Marketing & Moving!

Omar’s Secret to 50% Margins & An 8-Man Crew in Mere Months!


You would not know it now, but a few short months ago, Omar R. will admittedly tell you that he did not know which end of the paint brush to pick up! He struggled for a while to gain is bearings, but began to build a solid foundation for his painting start-up, and the momentum continues to grow!

Omar recently emailed me something that made me smile for a few hours straight…

“Yesterday I was able to close a $10,200 contract for a dentist office in Palm Coast FL, for 50% gross profit because I was able to present myself and my company with high standards and a good reputation. All thanks to the APPC’s PowerPaint Presentation Process™ which lays out the steps needed to close deals at higher prices.”

Last I spoke with Omar, he was up to about eight painters and was on track to have a great start to 2015. Did I mention that Omar is 24 years young? Ah, to be young again and an entrepreneur!

Omar is obsessed with learning every tip, trick, and strategy at his disposal to continue to grow as a painting professional. I have the sneaking suspicion he will succeed!

When Omar isn’t aggressively pursuing the growth of his painting business, he spends his time reading and enjoying the company of his wife Katherine and daughter Sofia.

Three New Jobs & a Mindset to Match Has Bryan on the Move!

Bryan Holderfield

After attending one of the APPC’s live, in-person Repaint Profits Workshops, Bryan became a member of the APPC. I must say, I enjoy talking to Bryan and he’s a pleasure to have on the Monthly Members-Only Mentoring Calls because he isn’t afraid to ask tough questions.

Recently, Bryan wrote me:  “[The MRPS] opened my eyes to new avenues for growth and the different aspects of marketing show you how to make more money and work less in the process.”

He went on to say, “I recently closed three jobs using the techniques in the program. There are no limits to what you can accomplish in business with the right marketing systems.” Spoken like a true southern gentleman, Bryan! Great news and keep up the good work.

Rob Combines 16 Years of Experience with New-Found Marketing Systems

Rob Robinson

As APPC members will tell you, I’m not the laid-back type and may be affectionately described as DIRECT! That’s why I’m always glad to hear from Rob one-on-one and on APPC Monthly calls. He’s cool as a cucumber and helps calm me down!

Rob’s been painting for over sixteen years and you INSTANTLY gather that he has a wealth of painting knowledge, plus the type of personality necessary for recruiting/retaining good painters.

Rob recently joined because he wanted to marry his deep understanding of painting and management with marketing expertise. He said, “The Monthly Mentoring Calls are very good. I learn quite a bit. Great stuff. The scripts and tools in the PowerPaint Presentation Process™ was exactly what I needed.” Go get ‘em Rob!

Brandon Lewis, B.S., M.B.A.
Director of the Marketing Department
The Academy for Professional Painting Contractors
Department: 423-800-0520

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Hear What Other Members are Saying:

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Jim and Lorraine

“Our first campaign reached $60,041.98! That's a huge percentage of our annual sales! You don't pick the peach orchard just one time. Different peaches ripen every day. Thanks for encouraging us to keep after it!”

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“15 requests for quotes and closed and/or completed $23,000 of work and I still have a few more to do. Conservatively this campaign will net $25,000 in found money in the first 45 days! Thanks Brandon!”

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“This year has been the biggest year of growth for us. We're double where we were last year. I realized the real money in this business is in the marketing of the services - not the doing of the services.”

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